Clinical and basic research on breast cancer. Specializes in all types of breast surgery, attention to both efficacy and quality of life surgery, especially the new treatment technology, including the sentinel lymph node biopsy, breast conserving surgery, breast reconstruction surgery, nipple discharge duct endoscopy, minimally invasive breast biopsy, diagnosis and comprehensive expertise in multidisciplinary treatment of breast cancer and locally advanced breast cancer.
Member of European Society of Breast Cancer experts and Shanghai Breast Cancer Association Professional Committee
曾获得国家留学基金委全额奖学金赴欧洲攻读医学博士学位,参与两项瑞士国家自然基金关于乳腺癌早期诊断方面的研究。博士毕业后继续留任欧洲进行博士后研究工作。第一/通讯/共同第一/共同通讯发表SCI 27篇,其中IF>5分10篇,最高IF 17.694分(Nature Communications),累计IF>100分。主编或副主编专著8部。授权专利2项。作为负责人承担上海青年医师培养资助计划、上海市杨浦区好医师学科带头人计划、国家教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金、上海市科委面上项目、美高梅国自然重点培育项目等项目。获59599aa美高梅“全英语讲课比赛”三等奖;获59599aa美高梅泰禾教师奖;所指导的研究生获得美高梅研究生社会活动奖学金及优秀毕业生称号。多次参加国内、外学术活动并作大会口头报告或壁报交流。
Pursued a doctorate degree in Europe sponsored by CSC, participated in two Swiss National Science Foundation on the early diagnosis of breast cancer and remained in the European post-doctoral research work. Published more than 20 SCI papers in the past five years. Published 8 monographs as Editor or deputy editor. As head of young doctors assume Shanghai culture funding schemes, Yangpu District 100 doctors climbing plan, the State Ministry of education scientific research foundation and other projects. "full English lecture Competition" prize in Tongji University, participated in many domestic and foreign academic activities and made oral report of the General Assembly or Poster.